Jewellery Remodelling

Introducing a high-end jewellery remodelling service that allows you to repurpose your gemstones and precious metals into something that reflects your unique style. Our team of skilled jewellers has the expertise to help you transform your heirloom pieces or outdated jewellery into stunning, modern designs that you’ll love to wear for years to come.


Something Old, Something New

Whether you want to refresh a treasured piece or combine elements of several items to create something entirely new, our jewellery re-modelling service can help you achieve the look you want. With meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to quality craftsmanship, our custom re-modelling service is the perfect solution for those seeking high-end jewellery that reflects their individual style.

Jewellery Remodelling

Sentimental Luxury

Remodelling old jewellery is a fantastic way to breathe new life into pieces that may have lost their appeal or functionality. By working with Luminary, you can transform outdated pieces into something modern and exciting that reflects your personal style. This process not only allows you to create a unique piece that is one-of-a-kind, but it can also be more cost-effective than purchasing new jewellery.

Remodelling old jewellery can be a sentimental experience, as you can preserve the value of the original piece while updating it to fit your current taste and lifestyle. Whether it's updating a family heirloom or simply reimagining an old piece of jewellery, remodelling is a sustainable and creative way to refresh your jewellery collection.


Popular questions and answers about re-newing and re-purposing antique and old jewellery.

What is Jewellery re-modelling?

Jewellery re-modelling, also known as jewellery redesign or jewellery restyling, is the process of transforming an existing piece of jewellery into a new and updated design. This practice has become increasingly popular as it allows individuals to give new life to their old or outdated jewellery, turning them into something more contemporary and personalised. Instead of leaving unused or sentimental jewellery to gather dust, re-modelling provides an opportunity to refresh the piece and make it more suitable for the wearer's current tastes and preferences.

The jewellery re-modelling process may involve various changes to the original piece, such as:

  1. Redesign: The jeweller can completely transform the design of the jewellery, altering its shape, setting, or overall appearance while preserving some of the essential elements or gemstones.
  2. Metal and Gemstone Replacement: The original metal can be replaced with a different type or colour of metal, such as switching from gold to platinum. Similarly, gemstones may be added, removed, or replaced with different ones.
  3. Repurposing: Certain elements of the original jewellery may be used to create an entirely new piece, such as taking gemstones from an old ring and using them in a new necklace or bracelet.
  4. Resizing: Rings can be resized to fit the wearer better, especially if the piece has been inherited or given as a gift.
  5. Repair and Cleaning: During the re-modelling process, any damaged parts of the jewellery can be repaired, and the piece can be professionally cleaned to restore its brilliance.
  6. Personalisation: Re-modelling allows for adding personalised engravings or other unique touches to the jewellery to make it truly one-of-a-kind.

Jewellery re-modelling is an excellent option for individuals who want to retain the sentimental value of their existing pieces while giving them a modern twist or making them more aligned with their current style preferences. It also serves as an eco-friendly alternative to purchasing new jewelry, as it reduces the demand for newly mined materials and lessens the environmental impact.

Is Jewellery Re-modelling worth it?

Whether jewellery re-modelling is worth it depends on several factors, including your personal preferences, the sentimental value of the jewellery, the quality of the original piece, and your budget. Here are some considerations to help you determine if jewellery re-modelling is a good option for you:

  1. Sentimental Value: If the jewellery holds significant sentimental value, such as being an heirloom or a gift from a loved one, re-modelling can be an excellent way to update and preserve its sentimental significance. Transforming the piece into something you'll wear and cherish can make it even more meaningful.
  2. Outdated or Unworn Jewellery: If you have jewellery pieces that are outdated, damaged, or simply not being worn, re-modelling can breathe new life into them. This way, you can create a piece that suits your current style and preferences, making it more likely to be worn and appreciated.
  3. Cost-Effectiveness: In some cases, re-modelling existing jewelry can be more cost-effective than buying an entirely new piece. The process typically involves reusing some of the materials, gemstones, or precious metals, which can reduce the overall cost compared to purchasing new ones.
  4. Eco-Friendly Option: Re-modelling is a sustainable and eco-friendly option as it reduces the demand for new mining and manufacturing of jewelry materials. If environmental conservation is essential to you, this can be a significant factor.
  5. Customisation: Re-modelling allows you to create a customized piece that perfectly fits your preferences and style. You can work with a jeweler to design something unique and tailored to your taste.
  6. Professional Skill: The success of the re-modelling process largely depends on the expertise of the jeweller performing the work. Ensure you choose a skilled and reputable jeweller who understands your vision and can execute it flawlessly.

Ultimately, the decision to re-model your jewellery is a personal one. It's essential to weigh the sentimental and emotional factors against the practical considerations to determine if it's worth it for you. If you're unsure, contact our team at Luminary Fine Jewellery and we can provide insights and guidance based on the specific piece you have and your preferences.

Can you have old Jewellery made into new?

Yes, absolutely! Jewellery re-modelling involves transforming old or existing jewellery into a new and updated design. Our skilled jewellers can take your old jewellery pieces and use their components (such as gemstones, precious metals, and other elements) to create an entirely new piece that better suits your current style and preferences.

The process of having old jewellery made into something new typically involves the following steps:

  1. Consultation: You'll meet with a professional jeweller to discuss your vision and ideas for the new piece. You can also share any sentimental value attached to the original jewellery and your reasons for wanting it re-modelled.
  2. Design: Based on your preferences and the components available from the old jewellery, the jeweller will work with you to create a design for the new piece. This may involve sketching or using computer-aided design (CAD) software to visualize the concept.
  3. Deconstruction: The old jewelry will be carefully deconstructed, and its individual components, such as gemstones and precious metals, will be assessed and prepared for the re-modelling process.
  4. Re-Assembly: The jeweler will use the components from the old jewelry to create the new design according to the agreed-upon plan. Depending on the complexity of the design, additional materials may be incorporated.
  5. Finishing Touches: Once the re-modelling is complete, the new piece will be polished, cleaned, and finished to enhance its appearance and ensure its durability.
  6. Inspection: The jeweller will perform a thorough inspection to ensure the new piece meets the desired quality and specifications.

Luminary Fine Jewellery has experience in jewellery redesign and can understand and execute your vision effectively. You can be confident that your old jewellery will be transformed into a new piece that you'll cherish for years to come.

How much does it cost to re-model a piece of jewellery?

The cost of re-modelling a piece of jewellery can vary widely depending on several factors, including the complexity of the design, the materials used, the size and type of gemstones, the intricacy of the work involved, and the expertise of the jeweller. Here are some factors that can influence the cost:

  1. Design Complexity: The more intricate and elaborate the design, the higher the labor and time required to create the new piece, which can impact the cost.
  2. Materials: The type and quality of materials used in the re-modelling process significantly influence the price. Precious metals like gold and platinum are generally more expensive than other metals. Similarly, the cost of gemstones varies based on their type, size, and quality.
  3. Gemstones: If the re-modelling involves using new gemstones, their cost will be an additional factor to consider. The price of gemstones can vary widely depending on their rarity and quality.
  4. Labor and Expertise: The skill and experience of the jeweller performing the re-modelling will also affect the cost. Highly experienced and reputable jewellers may charge more for their services.
  5. Complexity of Work: Some re-modelling projects may require intricate craftsmanship or specific techniques, which can increase the overall cost.
  6. Additional Services: If the original jewellery requires repair or cleaning before re-modelling, these additional services may also impact the final cost.

As a rough estimate, jewellery re-modelling costs can range from a few hundred pounds to several thousand pounds or more, depending on the factors mentioned above. For a more accurate quote, please get in touch with us to discuss your specific re-modelling ideas, and receive a personalised cost estimate based on your requirements.

When considering the cost, remember that re-modelling offers a unique opportunity to create a customised piece of jewellery that holds sentimental value or fits your current style preferences. It can also be a cost-effective option compared to purchasing a completely new piece, especially if you can reuse valuable materials from the original jewellery.